Executive Leadership | Editor’s Message

September 2018

A Chair For Our Age

Alberto Grignolo
Fellow of DIA


r. Joseph Scheeren is no stranger to international travel. The new Chair of the DIA Board of Directors may have spent as many years globe-trotting as he has spent working in an office.

During a 36-year career in pharmaceutical regulatory affairs and drug development in positions of increasing regional and worldwide responsibility, he has worked and resided for years at a time in Europe, in the United States, and in China – all the while shuttling among Continents for meetings and speaking engagements all over the world. The man is tireless; his work has always been world-class.

Listen to our recent podcast interview with Joseph and you will get a clear sense of our new Chair, who was envisioning the role of AI in Regulatory Affairs years before anyone else even thought of such an association. He sees beyond the visible horizon.

Likewise, DIA must look into its crystal ball during a time of great change. In this issue of Global Forum we look at immunotherapy for precision oncology, new expedited pathways in China and Brazil, the opioid crisis in Canada, the rising uncertainties of Brexit, patient engagement in India, ASEAN’s evolving alignment with other regulatory environments, and much more. What happens next is hard to predict, but DIA’s constituencies expect vision, information, connections, learning, outreach, progress, and new ideas.

Joseph’s professional career has prepared him for this moment, and DIA is ready for him.

The journey begins.

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