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n late March 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued its Guidance on Conduct of Clinical Trials of Medical Products during COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: Guidance for Industry, Investigators, and Institutional Review Boards. “Sponsors in consultation with the investigators and institutional review boards should assess whether the protection of a patient’s safety, welfare, and rights are best served by continuing the study participant in the trial as per the protocol, modify the protocol to minimize risk such as by using telemedicine wherever possible, or by discontinuing the administration or use of the investigational product or even participation in the trial,” explains FDA Deputy Commissioner for Medical and Scientific Affairs Anand Shah in an interview with DIA.
Global Forum: What considerations contained in the Guidance will help sponsors simultaneously protect the rights of trial participants and clinical data integrity?
With regard to remote participant follow-up visits, the increasing use of telemedicine really represents a potential alternative. The investigators, study personnel, who will conduct remote visits should be trained on how to conduct real time electronic interactions. These are certainly different, and procedures should be put in place to maintain a trial participant’s privacy as you would for any in-person clinical visit. As noted, we provide guidance on considerations for conducting performance outcomes using remote technology, and sponsors can also contact the review division at FDA regarding any proposals to change clinical trial conduct.
GF: What should sponsors do when an IRB is not available due to COVID-19 impact and restrictions, and a protocol modification or deviation requires IRB approval, at least according to the usual GCP requirements?
We’re encouraging sponsors to prioritize reporting of deviations that may impact the safety of trial participants and for changes that are implemented for the protocol as a whole versus a subset of participants, a protocol amendment should be sent to FDA. And we’re recognizing that during this rapidly evolving pandemic, a sequence of changes may be needed to address those circumstances; consolidating several protocol modifications into a single protocol amendment would be acceptable but should be done expeditiously.