Executive Leadership
Alberto Grignolo
Global Forum
Fellow of DIA
he title of this piece might well refer respectively to 2020 and 2021 (if that had been my intent, I might have titled it Good Riddance and Finally! But it was not).
Rather, as 2020 has come to a close and 2021 has arrived, let’s avoid the much-overused terms used to describe the year just past, and simply thank each of our Editors and numerous Authors for helping make our monthly online publication successful and read regularly all around the world. Indeed, our readership outside US and Canada is routinely half (forty to fifty percent) of the total. We are indeed global, thanks to all of our Editors/Authors and to all of our readers.
We realize that regular contributions to Global Forum require our Editors’ and Authors’ time and effort. We also realize that they have regular jobs, and that this volunteer activity is an additional demand on their busy schedules. For these reasons, we (and our loyal readers) are deeply grateful to them.
I also want to take this opportunity to offer special thanks and farewell to those who at the turn of the year rotated off the Global Forum Editorial Board after many years of dedicated service: Megan Bettle (Canada), Deb Collyar (Patient Engagement), Lode Dewulf (Patient Engagement), Akiko Ikeda (Japan), Adora Ndu (Regulatory Science), Yoshi Uyama (Regulatory Science), and Silke Vogel (ASEAN). We appreciate the excellent content they all have provided and look forward to continuing our collaboration with them in other ways under the DIA banner.
I also have accepted DIA’s kind request to continue serving as Editor-in-Chief for 2021-2022, and would like to welcome our new Editors for the 2021-2022 term, joining those who are remaining on the Board: Trishna Bharadia (Patient Engagement); Mary Stober Murray (Patient Engagement); Goshi Ozawa (Japan); Isaac Rodriguez-Chavez (Regulatory Science) and Jin Shun (ASEAN). We will publish our 2021 Editorial Board in our next (February) issue.
Finally, I want to acknowledge the departure of our colleague and friend Ranjini Prithviraj from DIA as of December 31. Ranjini has elected to pursue another path in her career, and we thank her for her guidance, leadership, and stewardship of both Global Forum and Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science. We already miss her! Sandra Blumenrath, Chris Slawecki, and I will continue to drive every issue of Global Forum, with the invaluable support of our far-flung expert Editors and Authors (and without missing a beat).
We wish everyone a safe, healthy, and amazing 2021!