Executive Leadership | From the Editor-in-Chief

January 2018

When I’m Sixty-Four…

Alberto Grignolo
Global Forum
Fellow of DIA


he generation gap is widening. This is clear to those of us who are busy generating interesting, timely, and easily accessible content for Global Forum, and probably to our readers as well.

The current generation of young professionals obtains, consumes, and uses information in very different ways than “older” paper-bound generations.

This is important to us, because one of the responsibilities of DIA is to serve young professionals and help prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow and the opportunities to improve the world’s health. Creating and maintaining a strong connection with future leaders in healthcare is central to DIA’s mission. As Tom Peters famously said, “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.”

At Global Forum, we want to be relevant to the interests, perspectives, aspirations, and needs of young professionals, and to do our part to contribute to their development. To that end, we are proud to welcome Kaley Weintraub, Rutgers Post-Doctoral Fellow, Medical Affairs, Acorda Therapeutics, Inc., to our 2019-2020 Board of Editors. She will represent this segment of DIA’s constituency and will seek their regular input to inform and generate our content.

We know that among young professionals faster, shorter and constantly updated content is preferred to slower, longer, weekly or monthly information. Today’s attention span is challenged; the world moves at fiberoptic speeds. As a result, in 2018, we published shorter, more concise articles that are easily accessed on Global Forum online, and also increased our production of podcasts suitable for listening anywhere, at any time (more than 42,000 downloads to date!). We will continue and expand these practices in 2019 as we align with the expectations of tomorrow’s leaders.

As we all know, fast content is not necessarily good content. Because of the breakneck speed of today’s 24-hour news cycle, reflection and analysis remain important to sensible decision-making. At Global Forum, we deliver thoughtful perspectives beyond the immediate news and we try to “keep up” with the demands of our readers for relevant and concise information from around the globe. We hope that this works for you, whatever the stage of your career.

“Will you still need me, will you still read me…?”

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