Videos | Around the Globe: US
Women in Health 2023: Curious, Persistent, Resilient

Natalia Ledo Husby, CluePoints

uravit Clinical Research Business Development Manager Natalia Husby explains the skillset and shares advice that has helped her discover her role as a woman in the life sciences industry. “It’s exciting to see more and more women moving into leadership positions in science. Thankfully, I had professors who were women who were mentors to me,” she says. “But on the business side, you’re seeing women CEOs of biotech companies and the opportunity of going into different avenues within science. It doesn’t have to just be in the lab as a research scientist.”

“I went to college, I studied psychology, then over to neuroscience to learn the biological mechanisms behind behavior, and then from there I went into biotech, and now I’m in clinical research,” she continues. “Three skills are important to anyone who excels in science: One is the curiosity and desire to learn, because in science there’s always new things to learn. The other two go hand in hand: Persistence and resilience, because so many things go wrong in science, in life, in business, and it’s important to not get discouraged when things don’t go according to plan. In those opportunities where things don’t go as expected, learn from those experiences, and drive yourself forward.”